Immersive Zoom

Feature Redesign, School Project
Team Members
1 design lead and 4 UX designers
Project timeline
November 2022 - January 2023 (3 months)
UX Research, UX Design, Usability test
Zoom is a virtual meeting platform which aims to bring teams together, reimagine workspaces and engage new audiences. According to the users, Zoom did not reach the expected results of increasing: meeting productivity, willingness to share, engagement or interaction among users.  The goal of this project is to optimize the users' experience of using Zoom meeting.

Meet the New Zoom

01 A new function - Room

A shared workspace keeps everything organized for recurring meetings, projects or classes, where users can work, study and have entertainment synchronously.

02 A new function - Wiki

A built-in doc and well-organized documentation system helps reducing workloads and increase efficiency.

03 Annotation

Improve annotation experience with toolbar redesign and new screenshot feature.

04 Emojis

Users can have efficient communication with others through customized emojis.



Since 2019 the pandemic has started worldwide, and remote work has been a trend.  Although it benefits people in some aspects, such as saving commute time, it harms the relationship between workers and company culture—apps quickly respond to this trend to meet the demands of remote workstyle on the market.  Our challenge is finding out the users' pain points that Zoom hasn't solved and entered the highly competitive on-demand remote workstyle worldwide.  Zoom built up on its core function- online meeting.  Centred on this function, we made some improvements to better meet users' demands.  With new functions and improvements, we hope to strengthen user relationships and create a healthy community culture.



Desk Research


Remote interviews were carried out with twenty interviewees between the 14th and 18th of November 2022. Interviews were conducted with Zoom frequent users. The key findings from the interviews are:


User Journey Map

Design Solutions

Feature Prioritization  -  Usability and impact metrics

We categorized ideas together along impact and usability lines to help in making decisions and evaluate suggested actions before committing to them. We decide to focus on:

Problem Reframe 01

How might we allow users to work effectively together in a shared workspace where users could store previous meeting documents, work and have fun at one place?

User Flow Chart

How can immersive room increase meeting productivity?

1. Save on prep time and improve alignment in internal meetings.

2. Avoid toggling between tabs/third parties.

3. Upload files from Wiki to your meeting room.

Problem Reframe 02

How might we streamline efficiency by making Zoom your go-to app for collaboration and coauthoring through a built-in doc and file management system?

Wiki Information Architecture

01 File Template

Provide file template layouts that users can easily select.

02 Recent Files

Provide a means of accessing recent files in a timely fashion.

03 Built-in doc

Enable users create, edit docs within Zoom, avoid toggling among platforms.

04 Immediate Feedback

Enable users to work together on the same file in real time.

Problem Reframe 03

How might we make screen share more efficient by redesign annotation and tool bar?

Tool Bar Redesign


Zoom Version 5.12.2 (9281)


Understand the product

Understand the competitors

Iteration 1 & 2

Iteration 3 & 4

Usability Test Results

1. The design of option 2 is more helpful to find drawing line icon.
2. The users prefer pen feature instead of drawing line feature.
3. 3/4 of the users can’t  find laser icon and 1/2 users seldom use it.

Iteration Opportunities

1. Priority level adjustment
Decrease priority levels of drawing line icon and laser icon.
2. Laser icon redesign
Laser icon can be moved to extension of pen selections as laser pen. Need to redesign laser icon to match pen selections’ style.

Delivered Version

Problem Reframe 04

How might we make a remote communication more playful and smart by redesign emojis?

Live Chat

Using emojis that align with your tone and message